How to Plan an Affordable and Rejuvenating Staycation

Guest Blog - By Jesse Clark from


Right now, most people desperately need some kind of break from the daily grind. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has made traveling complicated and, for many, just too risky. The good news is, you can have an extremely relaxing vacation without traveling outside of your own town. Indeed, local, socially-distanced activities could give you an opportunity to see your own city in a whole new light.

Cheryl’s Northwest Tours wants to give you some ideas to plan your perfect staycation. In addition to keeping you close to home, we’d like to help you figure out how to pull this off on a budget because a relaxing week away from your day-to-day routine can rejuvenate you and get you ready to take life by the reins.

Have An At-Home Shopping Day

Shopping and souvenirs are a vital category in every getaway budget, and you shouldn’t have to miss out on this part of vacationing during a staycation. Tweak it by giving yourself an all-out at-home shopping day. Make it special by connecting your computer or device to your television and getting a large-screen look at the options while you shop. It’s fine to include a few favorite national brands, but be sure to check out some local stores during your virtual shopping trip.

Keep things affordable by setting a strict spending limit and checking out all of your options before you make decisions. After all, one of the advantages of shopping virtually is that you don’t have to buy as you go. You can also keep costs low by searching for online deals and discounts. Shops like Target and Macy’s often offer items for sale online, and you can find Nordstrom Rack coupons that will help you stretch your budget further, as well.

Stay at a Local Hotel

One of the biggest concerns when it comes to traveling is bringing — or picking up — COVID-19 variants along the way. This could lead to increasing infection rates in areas that wouldn’t have otherwise had that issue. However, you can still get some time out of your house without running this risk by staying at a local hotel — plus, this comes with the extra benefit of supporting your local economy. You can keep your price point low by booking your stay a day in advance or even the same day. If that’s not your style, consider starting your stay on a Sunday for a lower rate.

Investigate your options and reach out to several establishments to compare rates, as well as ask about what steps they’re taking to lower COVID-19 risks. The big thing you should be looking for is cleaning protocols. Experts say that the risk of catching or spreading the virus in a hotel room is relatively low, provided the room is cleaned properly between visitors. Still, you should be very mindful about mask usage and social distancing in all public areas and, as much as possible, stick to your room and outdoor amenities.

Explore Your Own Surroundings

We tend to think we know everything about the places we live, but that’s often far from the case. This staycation could easily be your chance to learn as much as possible about your area. For example, you can look into taking one of Cheryl's tours — many take you to beautiful natural features you may not have explored yet on your own. Or check out local parks, museums, and attractions. See how much you can learn about where you live. You might be surprised by how much there is to discover — some even for free!

Once the pandemic is behind us, you can plan the amazing vacation you’ve been dreaming of. In the meantime, a staycation can be the perfect way to take a break, rest, recharge, and learn more about your own backyard — all without breaking the bank.

Cheryl’s Northwest Tours is here to help you learn more about the wonderful sites surrounding Seattle. Contact Cheryl to book a tour today.

Photo Credit: Pexels